Study Tour In Malaysia
Intensive Acupuncture Courses For
Foreigners and Local
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Acupuncture Research Institute, Malaysia |
The symbol of 25 years of our struggles |
30 years of services
In Alternative Medicines in Malaysia
New Program For Year 2009 - 2010
All those interested to join Acupuncture or Homeopathic Courses are welcome to Malaysia.
This year program started from 2nd January 2009 till 30 November 2010
The Program
First Course started at Kuala Lumpur - Saturday, Sunday &
Second Phase at Kelantan Campus on Tuesday, Wed & Thurday
Friday : Closed
Pease make sure that you arrrive on Friday
at Kuala Lumpur,
so that you may join the first class on Saturday.
See some of Students & College Activities at
Main Campus at Kelantan
Started every Tuesday 930 am till 4.00 pm daily
Friday - Closed
Kuala Lumpur Campus
Clinical / Practical : Saturday , Sunday & Monday Only.
Welcome to our web site !
Selamat Datang !
- Welcome to Malaysia - Visit Malaysia 2009- 2010
Research Institute of Medical Acupuncture [RIMAC] is under
Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia- FAHOM is perhaps one of the biggest and best acupuncture centre in Malaysia - Dr Kocabas
of Medinah, Saudi Arabia.
- Prof Dr Nik Omar is the first Malay Acupuncturist who never stop promoting and developing Acupuncture and alternative
medicines in Malaysia - The New Life Post Newspaper.
- I found out that RIMAC & FAHOM are best place for Arab Students - Dr Kocabas, Medinah, Saudi Arabia.
This Insttitue is the best place to study Classical Acupuncture - Dr Haluk of Turkey.
I found that this Academy is one of the best school of Acupuncture - Dr Allen, Australia
Your lecture is simple and straight forward, I like it. - Dr Taurifq Mesdeq from Morocco.
For More Info Call
Prof Nik 019-9401915
E Mail: fahom122@yahoo.com

30 year of services in alternative
in Malaysia.
Perhaps our medical centre is the only one, giving intergrated
medicines in Malaysia - Where East Meet West
For more detail about acupuncture services /
courses, kindly visit:
Acupuncture Introduction Courses in Malaysia http://kelantan.xaper.com
About Our College - Rimac.
Acupuncture Prospectus & Courses
What Is Acupuncture & It's Advantages http://rimac.freehomepage.com
Al-Hijamah For Arabs Student / Cupping For Arabs http://cupping.xaper.com
Student Intake For 2009- 2010 Are Welcome
To those student who wish to study classical
acupuncture, you are welcome at any time.
Acupuncture Courses started every week on
Foreigners and Malaysian are welcome
Hostel For Student Are Provided
[ Separate for boys and girls]
For Info & Addmission Please contact
Course Fee
Diploma Level: US$ 1,700 [ RM 5,400.00 ]
Master Level: US$ 2,500.00
( Exchange rate: US$ 1 = RM$ 3.5 )
E Mail: fahom2@yahoo.com
Tel: 019-9401915
Our Mission
Our first class quality of Acupuncture Education meets the International,
US, EEU and Asian Standards.
Our Academy is a global operating lincensed Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Alternative
Health Practitioners
Based at Pasir Mas, kelantan, Malaysia
and our official branches are at
Luton, England
Cardova, Spain
Calcutta, India
Lahore, Pakistan.
All inquiries are welcome
Selamat datang ke [ Welcome ] to
Further Reading
Prof Dr Nik Omar |

The Acupuncture Specialist in Malaysia |
Acupuncture Technique |

One of the Best Acupuncture Centre in Malaysia , Fact Sheet About Our College & TCM Hospital |
RIMAc Training Centre For Asians
Malaysian Research Institute of Medical Acupuncture- RIMAc
are a research collaborative centre for Oriental Medicine for Asean countries such as: Singapore Acupuncture, Brunei
Acupuncture, Thailand Acupuncture, Phillipine and Indonesia Acupuncture.
All students from Asian countries such as Arabs Countries,
Middle East, U.A.E, Kuwait, Libya, Eygptian, Turkey, Soutn Africa, Korea, Japan, Russia, Canada, EU Countries are welcome
to join our acupuncture courses at any time you feel convinience.
Selamat Datang
Malaysian Culture
While in Malaysia, especially in Kelantan State, where our college is situated, please
remember that you are now staying in the Oriental Region, the Eastern Culture still remains the same. So, please remember
to respect the Malay Culture.
The Malays are polite and very friendly. Basically there are moderate Muslims and respect
all tourist as their guest.
The ladies wears sarong and scalf
The men wears sarong and turban / songkok
Young Malays wears just like any other western dress.
In Kelantan, Trengganu, Kedah States - Friday is Public Holiday
In Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Penang, Sabag, Sarawak - Sunday Is Public Holiday.
Some Interesting Webs
Hepatitis Can Be Cured
Infertility Treatment
Homeopathy Course
Purebred Arabian Horses In Malaysia
Department of Chinese Medicine
List of Lecturers
Prof Dr Nik Omar
Prof Mohammad Nasir
Ac Nik Fairuz Hakim - Registrar
Dr Chan Heng Ming
Dr Ram
Dr Che Musa Muhammad
Dr Mehmet Kocabas
KaabaKhan The Leading Arabian Stallion in Malaysia |
At Purebred Arabian Horse Ranch, Gelang Mas, P.Mas,Kel |
Why Study Acupuncture
If you wish to study the the Oriental Medicine, the
classical Chinese Acupuncture, our college, Research Instittute of Medical Acupuncture Malaysia - RIMAC is the best place
for you to start with.
We are one of the leading acupuncture academy in Malaysia.
We have a twelve staff lecturers headed by Prof Dr
Nik Omar and Nik Fairuz Hakim who are specialization in Classical Chinese Medicine.
" With 25 years experience, he is perhaps, the first Malay Acupuncturist who
never stop promoting and developing this form of medication in this region. As many as 4,000 student coming from more than
21 countries already qualified and practising acupuncture medicine throughout the world."- Commented by The New Life Post,
one of the leading Chinese Newspaper in Malaysia.
Your Are Welcome to Malaysia !
Visit Malaysia Year 2009-2010
We are truly Asia
Malaysian are loving and friendly people
While in Malaysia, you may visit
*Twin Tower of Petronas
*KL Tower
*Formula One
*National Parks
*World,s Beautiful Island of Pulau Perhentain, Pulau
Kapas, Pulau Tioman, Pulau Pangkor, Pulau Pinang, Langkawi, etc.
* Largest Bird,s Park, etc.
Acupuncture Course
Subjects Study
History of China & Chinese Medicine
Comparision of Medicine
Modern & Ancient Concept of Acupuncture
Common Definition in Acupuncture
Materials & Method of Acupuncture
Complications & Contraindications of Acupuncture
The Concepts of Meridian, Lung (Lu), Large Intestine (Li), Stomach (St), Spleen
(Sp), Heart (H), Small Intestine (SI), Urinary Bladder (UB), Kidnet (K), Pericardium (P), Triple Warmer (TW- Sanjiao), Gall
Bladder (GB), Liver (Liv), Governing Vessel( GV), Conceptional Vessel (CV)
Special Course On Vertinary Acupuncture
Due to the great demand for Animal Acupuncture, especially on equine or horses.
Prof Dr Nik Omar has decided to add one more subject For all
Acupuncture Student at Diploma and Master level on Vertinary Acupuncture or
well known as ' Acupuncture On Horses'
2 credit hours were added for all our student.
Clinical Training at Our TCM Hospital
Everyday 9.00 am till 4.00 pm
Students Internship
Each student will be given at least 2 patients in the ward (In Patient) to visit and routine check up from
7.00 am till 11.00 pm everyday